Killer Queen CTF 2021

Underscore in Corrupted [409 pts]

My music is ruined.




We are given a sound file with a phone conversation where a lady types in her credit card number on her mobile phone.

The phone is old, so each character emits a different sound – their Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF). Based on these frequencies, we can decode the numbers pressed and get her card number.

This can be done manually by inspecting frequency pairs and using a lookup table, but we can also just download a tool to do it automatically:

With this, we just run

./ tippytappiesbutmobile.wav

This doesn’t give an output that looks correct, but we can change the interval. Setting it to half a second looks good:

./ tippytappiesbutmobile.wav -i 0.5

This results in


When we listen to the file, we hear she first types in the 1 as an option and then the card number. So we remove the first 1, leaving the 16-digit number, which is the flag when wrapped in the flag format.



1 November 2021
Tags: <forensics/>